Trading standards - Market regulations guide

What is the Market Regulations and Design Guide?

The Market Regulations and Design Guide, previously known as the Open Market Regulations, contain the terms, conditions and standards of trading. Copies are available online and at the Market Office.

Proof of legal right to work in the UK

You can use the following as evidence:

  • a passport showing you are a British citizen or citizen of the UK and Colonies with the right of abode in the UK
  • a passport or national identity card showing you are a national of a European Economic Area, Country or Switzerland
  • a residence permit, registration certificate or document certifying or indicating permanent residence issued by the Home Office, the Border and Immigration agency, or the UK Border Agency to a national of a European Economic Area country or Switzerland
  • a permanent residence card or document issued by the home Office, the Border and Immigration Agency, or the UK Border Agency to the family member of a national of a European Economic Area country or Switzerland

Visit the UK Boarder Agency website for further information (opens in a new tab) or contact them on 0870 606 7766.


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