Colleagues mission

Empowering our colleagues to do the best they can for communities.

This mission seeks to empower colleagues to do the best they can for communities. Our vision is to have a talented and diverse workforce that is committed, engaged and empowered to deliver the council's priorities and ambitious Powering Our Future programme. Our workforce will step up to the challenging budget situation by using their knowledge and skills to work with our partners and communities.

We want to be an employer of choice where our colleagues feel valued, informed and involved in a working environment that is fit to meet the future demands of the Borough.

Last year an IIP Employee Survey took place. The results from the survey allowed us to form the baseline for our draft workforce strategy as it identifies priorities for delivery. 

The workforce strategy is based around the following areas agreed by Cabinet in January 2024:

  • Organisational Culture - to have a strong organisational culture of shared values and behaviours that guide the way we work and how we make decisions that align with the Powering Our Future ambitions
  • Communications and Engagement - to have an effective communication and engagement strategy at all levels will ensure our colleagues and stakeholders understand corporate aims and priorities, which will facilitate bold, innovative and collaborative working that will help everyone understands the reason and context for change
  • Smarter Working - to ensure we have the right resources, processes and working environment to do the job in the most efficient and smart way that will empower staff to do their best for communities
  • Attract and retain - to have the best people with the right skills to Power Our Future, it is important we remain competitive with our Employee Reward Offer in order to be an attractive employer of choice and retain a talented and dedicated workforce
  • Happy and healthy workforce -  to ensure that everyone supports and pays attention to their own as well as their colleagues' wellbeing
  • Workforce Planning - to ensure we have a workforce fit for the future, we will embed and improve workforce planning across our organisation so that we understand our workforce profile to address future demands
  • Workforce Development - to provide employees with development opportunities to support retention, succession planning, future leaders and ensure we have a workforce with the right skills able to meet current and future demands and this will empower our colleagues to use their skills and talent to be innovative, entrepreneurial, dynamic and adaptable in all that they do

Each project is led by a project sponsor and supported by a project delivery manager.

ProjectProject sponsorProject Delivery Manager
Organisational CultureGeraldine BrownJane Webb
Communications and EngagementKirsty GrundyJane Webb
Smarter WorkingLeanne DudhillLiz Purdy
Attract and retainCraig WillowsFiona Attewill
Happy and healthy workforceAngela ConnorJane Webb
Workforce PlanningIan MilesFiona Attewill
Workforce DevelopmentIain RobinsonLiz Purdy


Ged Morton, Director of Corporate Services, will lead this mission, supported by Leanne Dudhill.

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