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Preparing for Adulthood: an overview of PfA for Primary and Secondary schools

Wednesday 11 June 2025
Time: 10:00
Price: Free
Microsoft Teams
Preparing for Adulthood: an overview of PfA for Primary and Secondary schools

Preparing for adulthood 

Gain a thorough understanding of what Preparing for Adulthood (PfA) is and your statutory requirements. Learn how PfA is embedded within the curriculum, what reasonable adjustments look like, and how to plan and implement SMART targets and outcomes. Understand where and how to evidence PfA in SEND paperwork, including SEN Support plans, Provision maps, EHCPs, and annual reviews.

Course overview 

This course aims to support SENDCOs in schools with planning, delivering, and monitoring PfA outcomes for children with SEND.

Course highlights

Highlights of the course are:

  • evidencing PfA - understand where and how to evidence PfA in SEND paperwork, such as SEN Support plans, Provision maps, EHCPs, and annual reviews
  • PfA fundamentals - understand what PfA is and your statutory requirements
  • curriculum integration - learn where PfA is embedded within the curriculum and what reasonable adjustments look like
  • SMART targets - discover how to plan and implement SMART targets and outcomes


Microsoft Teams

United Kingdom

Other times on Wednesday 11 June

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