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Understanding stress and coping as a whole school approach with Gareth Morewood

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Understanding stress and coping as a whole school approach with Gareth Morewood

SEND and Vulnerable V tag

Guest speaker workshop for schools and educators

Understanding stress and coping as a whole school approach

Gareth Morewood

Date: 22nd October 2024

Venue: Parkmore Hotel, 636 Yarm Road, Eaglescliffe TS16 0DH

Two options to choose from:

9:30 - 11:30am

4:00 - 6:00pm


The workshop will address the key challenges and stressors that young people encounter in schools, and explore how practitioners, parents, and carers can enhance outcomes for these students. Gareth will share his extensive, hands-on experience working with families, young people, and educational settings worldwide, offering clear, practical strategies and recommendations for effective investments in your school environment.

During the session, Gareth will also discuss key concepts from his recent book, co-authored with a parent of autistic twins, titled Championing Your Autistic Teen, published by JKP.

Gareth is the Educational Advisor for Studio III (  Previously he worked for 25 years in U.K. schools; 17 of which were as SENCo in a large, inclusive secondary school in the North West of England. Gareth has extensive 'front-line' experience supporting schools, families and working directly with young people in the U.K. and abroad, particularly Chile, Dubai, Portugal, Ireland and Scandinavia.

Gareth is Co-Director of the LASER Programme, which fuses his critically acclaimed Saturation Model (Morewood, Humphrey & Symes, 2011) with Low Arousal approaches (McDonnell & Deveau, 2018) as part of a system-led model of inclusive practice.

Light Refreshments will be provided.

Other times on Saturday 22 February

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